Showing posts from June, 2020

How to access Fortigate Web Interface in EVE-NG Lab Using DHCP and Static Mode

Using Fortigate web interface to configure the firewall is a lot more easier than the CLI. But, there are several things you need to do before you can access Fortigate Web interface when it is withi…

Download and Deploy Fortigate to EVE-NG Lab

This post will guide you to download and deploy Fortinet Fortigate Image to EVE-NG Network Emulator . In this guide, I am using Windows 10 and EVE-NG in VmWare Player already configured and working p…

How to remote SSH to Ubuntu Server 20.04 root Without Password Using Windows Command Prompt

Like several previous release, Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS doesn't give a password to root. This behavior from Ubuntu claimed to be more secure than have a password for root. But you can still doing …

Enable OpenSSH Client on Windows 10, PuTTY on Command Prompt

By enabling OpenSSH Client feature on Windows 10 , you can use your Windows Command Prompt as SSH client and replacing PuTTY function. OpenSSH client come to Windows 10 as Optional Feature, pre-inst…

Blogspot Image to WebP Lazy Loading Converter

Converting your blogspot image (JPG, PNG, BMP, etc) to WebP format , proved to give a boost to speed performance to my websites. Plus, lazy loading that only load the images when it is on the user v…

How to remove cloud-init from Ubuntu Server 20.04

Cloud-init package is annoying for me because I am not using any cloud technology on my Ubuntu 20.04 server. Installed by default since Ubuntu server 18.04, and now on Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS. Here…

VirtualBox Error: Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED)

After successfully installed Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) on my Windows 10 , now I can't open my virtual machines on Oracle VirtualBox. VirtualBox error: Call to WHvSetupPartition failed:…

Update UBNT Firmware from Ubuntu 20.04 Windows Subsystem for Linux

Updating UBNT firmware is a simple task, why we need Ubuntu on Windows subsystem for Linux if it has a web interface for doing any configurations and updates? If you manage a lot of devices and hav…

How to install Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) on Windows 10

Windows Subsystem for Linux is one of the most waited feature from Microsoft that give the user ability to run Linux command on Windows . And in Windows May 2020 update (Windows version 2004 build 1…
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